DIAMAS survey results webinar series

The DIAMAS project is hosting a series of activities to engage with the results of the Institutional Publishing in the ERA: Results from the DIAMAS survey

Results of the DIAMAS project’s Diamond OA and Institutional Publishing landscape survey have just been published. The survey aimed to collect information that would enable better understanding of Institutional Publishing in order to build capacity across Europe based on evidence and good practice for a more equitable publishing ecosystem.

DIAMAS is offering a series of online webinars to engage a range of communities and inform them about the results of this research or use them as a launching pad to talk about the future. The sessions are offered in a range of languages and will focus on the many findings, and some will hone in on themes such as equity, diversity and inclusion and Diamond publishing, multilingualism and funding Diamond OA. See the schedule below:

  • 07/02/24, 10-11.30 CET – Navigating Europe’s Institutional Publishing Landscape. (Slides available on Zenodo)

  • 28/02/24, 15-16.30 CET – Webinar on Multilingualism.

  • 01/03/24, 12.00 CET – Regional webinar for editors and publishers of scholarly open access journals: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia [Regionalni vebinar za urednike i izdavače naučnih časopisa u otvorenom pristupu / Regionalni webinar za urednike i izdavače znanstvenih časopisa u otvorenom pristupu] [Croatian and Serbian]. (Slides available on Zenodo)

  • 13/03/24, 10-11.30 CET – Webinar: Europe’s Institutional Publishing Landscape: DIAMAS Project Results [English]. (Slides available on Zenodo)

  • 13/03/24, 10-13.00 CET – Online focus group on “Co-designing Diamond OA recommendations and guidelines for institutional leaders” [English].
  • 18/03/24, 13-14.30 CET – Webinar: Diamond OA in Europe – practices, funding, challenges [Diamentowy model OA w Europie – praktyki, finansowanie, wyzwania] [Polish].
  • 21/03/24, 12.00 CET – “Open Publishing: A Nordic Perspective”. (Recording available at this page. Slides available here)
  • 02/04/24, 14-15.30 CEST – The dynamics of funding Diamond Open Access: Opportunities and Challenges. Learnings from the DIAMAS Project and other studies [English]. (Slides available on Zenodo)

  • 05/04/24, 10-11.00 CEST – The role of Spain in the editing and publication of open access content in Europe. DIAMAS Report [Spanish].
  • 11/04/24 – 14.30-16.00 CEST – Diamond Open Access: quality and sustainability. Regional Webinar for University Press and OA journals’ editors [Diamond Open Access: qualità e sostenibilità. Webinar per le University Press e i direttori di riviste OA] [Italian]

  • 12/04/24, 13.45-16.15 GMT – Workshop: The Road Towards Diamond Open Access [English].
  • 04/06/24, 15:00-16:30 CET – DIAMAS Webinar on EDIB [English].

  • 25/06/24, 15:30-16:30 CET – DIAMAS project update – surveys, sustainability and standards in institutional publishing [English]. (Slides available at Zenodo)