The University of Goettingen is an important international research institution. Founded in times of Enlightenment the University feels committed to the social responsibility of science, democracy, tolerance and equity. As part of the University the Goettingen State and University Library is one of the leading libraries in Germany in digitalisation and open science and partner in numerous national and international projects. Within the library the department of electronic publishing offers infrastructure and services for high-quality publishing and access to scientific results.
Within the DIAMAS project the team of the Göttingen State and University Library besides WP7 is primarily involved in WP2, Mapping the European institutional publishing landscape, for which the libraries engagement in several institutional publishing networks represent an important contribution. These include the German-speaking working group of university publishers (AG Universitätsverlage), the Association of European University Presses as well as the German-speaking OJS community. Furthermore, UGOE is coordinator of DIAMAS’ sister project CRAFT-OA, which facilitates an intensive dialog and cooperation between the two projects.