The University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FFZG), with a tradition of 150 years, is the largest higher education and research institution in Croatia in SSH. FHSS offers 92 university study programmes, participates in the DABAR national infrastructure; is home to CROSSDA (Croatian Social Science Data Archive); and a national coordinator for 2 ESFRI ERICs (CLARIN and ESS).
- About
- Objectives
- WP1 – Managing and coordinating the project
- WP2 – Mapping the European landscape of IPSPs
- WP3 – Setting Standards and Assessing Quality Gaps
- WP4 – Building capacity through knowledge-sharing
- WP5 – Exploring and supporting the sustainability of institutional publishing
- WP6 – Providing actionable recommendations for IPSP policies and strategies
- WP7 – Dissemination, Exploitation, Engagement and Impact
- Activities & Results
- News & Events
- Contact