A suite of financial sustainability resources for DiamondOA publishers and service providers as well as funders, sponsors and donors is now available on the website of the European Diamond Capacity Hub (EDCH)!

The European Diamond Capacity Hub (EDCH) supports the Diamond Open Access (OA) community by providing coordination, sustainability tools, training, and technical resources for publishers and service providers


Sustainability toolsuite

Along with the toolsuite articles providing high level introductions to Diamond open access (OA) and the Diamond Open Access Standard (DOAS) and the guidelines that offer detailed instructions and practical guidance, eight financial sustainability tools are now available.


talking points visual

Over 15 ways of persuading your community to support Diamond OA: feel free to use these evidence-based talking points ‘Making the case to fund Diamond Open Access’ as prompts for your next conversation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14626620


optimise expenses visual

Optimise your expenses’: This guide for DiamondOA publishers helps you manage your expenses and save resources. Explore the typical costs of running a Diamond Open Access publishing projects and reflect on your current practices to see where you can optimise costs: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14621766


business model canvas
 This Nonprofit Business Model Canvas explains how to use this tool for Diamond OA publishing strategic management and planning. It is accompanied with an interactive whiteboard that can be copied and reused for brainstorming and planning. Consult it here: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14621235


funders comitting to Diamond OA visual

 The report ‘Research funders committing to Diamond OA’ provides insights into why and how funders are trying to support Diamond Open Access publishing. It also presents case studies examining different funders’ motivations and mechanisms: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14626658


The workforce for Diamond OA - visual

At the heart of Diamond OA publishing and service provision is a workforce that is built on personal and institutional commitment. Learn more about this workforce and the challenges facing it in the short article ‘The centrality of the workforce for Diamond OA: Contractual, in-kind and voluntary work’: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14626444


sustainability check visual

The Diamond OA Sustainability Check is a self-assessment tool. If you are an OA publisher and service provider, it will help you gain insights into your financial situation so that you can plan for a more sustainable future. Try it out HERE


sustainability report visual

What is financial sustainability for institutional publishing in Europe and its workforce? ‘IPSP Sustainability Research Report draws on four types of data: a literature review of economic and financial aspects of institutional publishing, quantitative surveys, focus groups, and interviews with a range of diverse institutional publishing representatives: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14626444


national overviews visual

A deep dive into 10 national contexts shows the diverse conditions for funding Diamond OA in Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, and the UK. Read the full report: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11383940


The website of EDCH is still in the making and its main components, such as the Registry and Forum, a curated list of Diamond OA journals called the Diamond Discovery Hub (DDH), and the Training Platform will be made available in the following months. 

More resources are coming to the EDCH’s financial sustainability toolsuite in February. Stay tuned!