Work Package 2
Mapping the European landscape of IPSPs
September 2022 – November 2023Partners involved
AMU, CNRS, cOAlition S, DOAJ, EUA, FECYT, FFZG, IBL PAN, IGSG, Jisc, LIBER Europe, OPERAS, Science Europe, SPARC Europe, TSV, UGOE, UiT (lead), UniZD and UUWork package description
The goal of WP2 was to map IPSPs in a wide and comprehensive selection of countries of the ERA, primarily for publishing outputs requiring no fees for publishing (Diamond OA). Journals and outputs using other business models was also mapped. We also investigated how and to what extent IPSPs made use of non-institutional or commercial service providers. A comprehensive data set for the other WPs, was created. A subset of this was made publicly available.Deliverables
D2.1 IPSP scoping report
Deadline: November 30, 2022; delivered: November 30, 2022
The IPSP scoping report was a necessary stepping-stone towards defining the scope of the rest of the work of WP2. We created and defined a common glossary for use in the rest of the work, including other WPs. We defined typologies for IPSPs, funding and output, and we defined the geographical area of the WP’s work. The scoping report is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.7890567D2.2 IPSP Database v1.0
Deadline: August 23, 2023; delivered: August 23, 2023
This form is the basis for the IPSP registry that is a delivery of WP4. As WP2 collected such data, delivering this dataset was a requirement. It is an internal delivery, but has been made available on Zenodo. The D2.2 IPSP Database is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.8296708 The D2.2 IPSP Database documentation is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.1040601D2.3 Landscape report
Deadline: November 30, 2023; delivered: November 30, 2023
Delivering this report was the objective of the WP2. The following documents are a basis for further work in DIAMAS, from WP3 to WP6. It was delivered as a set of documents:- D2.3 Final IPSP landscape Report: Institutional Publishing in the ERA: Results from the DIAMAS survey is the full-length report of 237 pages, including short country reports. It is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.10022184
- Institutional publishing in the ERA: Full country reports is a supplement to D2.3, containing longer country reports for some of the countries surveyed. It is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.10026206
- DIAMAS Survey Questionnaire and Glossary contains the questions asked by the respondents, and the explanations given to some of the important terms used in the survey. It is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.10207447
- The European landscape of institutional publishing – A synopsis of results from the DIAMAS survey is a very shortened version of theD2.3 Final IPSP landscape Report: Institutional Publishing in the ERA: Results from the DIAMAS survey. It is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.10551710
- Institutional publishing in the ERA: Complete country reports contains the longer country reports from the Institutional publishing in the ERA: Full country reports plus the shorter country reports for countries without a longer country report, from the The European landscape of institutional publishing – A synopsis of results from the DIAMAS survey. It is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.10473495
- DIAMAS survey on Institutional Publishing – aggregated data contains full tables with aggregated data for all questions from the survey, with the exception of free-text responses, from all 685 survey respondents. It is available on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.10590503
M2 Survey
Deadline: February, 2023; delivered: March 22, 2023
Some processes in creating, quality-assuring and translating the survey took longer time than anticipated. This three week delay resulted in a two-week delay in closing the survey, but all delays were absorbed and the deliverables D2.2 IPSP Database v1.0 and D2.3 Final IPSP landscape Report: Institutional Publishing in the ERA: Results from the DIAMAS survey.