Call for Posters – The Future of Diamond OA Publishing in Europe and Beyond

The DIAMAS project invites poster submissions from the scholarly community for the DIAMAS conference The Future of Diamond OA Publishing in Europe and beyond, which will be held in Brussels on June 3rd.

This is a great opportunity for individuals and institutions across Europe and beyond to showcase their work and connect with the Diamond Open Access (OA) community. Selected printed posters will be displayed in a designated gallery at the conference, while digital posters will be showcased on dedicated screens throughout the event.


Focus of the call

Diamond Open Access (Diamond OA) is a community-controlled model of scholarly publishing that removes financial barriers for authors and readers (see

This call for posters seeks contributions that address either of the following two questions:

How do best practices of Diamond OA publishing contribute to open and inclusive scholarly communication? Share your experiences and insights that could inspire others.
How do you intend to use, or how are you already using, one of the outcomes of DIAMAS in your context?

We encourage submissions that explore best practices that broadly fit into the following categories:

  • How Diamond OA publishing contributes to positive research cultures:
    All stakeholders in scholarly publishing – national and regional policymakers, Research Funding Organisations (RFOs), ReSearch Performing Organisations (RPOs), academic libraries, Diamond OA publishers, open infrastructure providers, journal editors, and researchers – share a responsibility to strengthen research cultures that reflect core values such as autonomy, freedom, care, collegiality, collaboration, equality, diversity, inclusion, integrity, ethics, openness, and transparency. By its nature and design, Diamond OA promotes these values in the creation and dissemination of scholarly knowledge.
    Do tell us how you put this into practice!
  • Economic and financial responsibilities for sustaining Diamond OA publishing:
    All stakeholders with an interest in Diamond OA publishing must address economic and financial responsibilities to ensure that scholarly publishing is sustainable and provides societal value. Public organisations have a fiduciary duty to ensure that public funds are optimally invested for societal benefits. Diamond OA ensures a better return in public investment, maximising the societal impact of research funding.
    Please share how you support or are supported by sustainable funding schemes.
  • Political support for Diamond OA publishing: the dynamics of authority, patronage, and legitimacy: All stakeholders with an interest in Diamond OA publishing must take into account the dynamics of authority, patronage, and legitimacy. This includes both top-down support, such as political, financial, and logistical backing from national authorities and funding bodies, and bottom-up initiatives driven by universities, research institutions, and scholarly communities, including learned societies. Both political support and collective action for Diamond OA are increasing, but need further strengthening.
    Do share how we can strengthen the Diamond OA landscape together.



Who should apply?

This call for posters is open to a broad audience, including but not limited to:

  • Libraries
  • Universities
  • Research institutions
  • Researchers
  • Publishers
  • Policymakers
  • Funders
  • Service, tools, and technology providers

To reflect the global nature of Diamond OA, we welcome submissions from Europe and outside Europe.

Both printed and digital posters will be accepted. While selected printed posters will be displayed at “The Future of Diamond OA Publishing in Europe and Beyond” conference in Brussels, digital posters will be showcased on dedicated screens throughout the event and made available online. Please note you will have to bring your own printed posters: we do not have a printing service for this purpose.


Submission guidelines

  1. Submission Process:
    Authors are invited to submit poster proposals. Each proposal should include an abstract that addresses one of the key questions outlined in the “Focus of the Call”. If the proposal is accepted and selected by the DIAMAS Programme and Selection Committee, the authors will have the option to submit their final abstract as either a printed or digital poster. Proposals for posters should be one page (maximum 500 words).
  2. Poster Formats & Languages:
    Printed Posters: Must be in English, A2 size (420 x 594 mm), vertical format.
    Digital Posters: Can be in any language, provided an English version is also available – vertical format. Digital files should be submitted as both .pdf and .jpg, with a maximum file size of 10 MB.
  3. Publication and Dissemination:
    Selected printed posters will be showcased at the DIAMAS Final Conference in Brussels, and authors of the selected printed posters will be invited to present their work in person during the conference – unfortunately, we are unable to cover travel and hotel expenses;
    Selected digital posters will be displayed on dedicated screens at the conference. Similarly, they will be published on the DIAMAS project website and/or the KBR website or potentially additional hosting platforms such as the European Diamond Capacity Hub. Finally, all digital posters will be hosted on Zenodo under a designated DOI collection.


How to submit your poster proposal

Please submit your poster proposal by March 23rd via this Google form:

Should you have any questions, please contact us at

We look forward to your contributions in shaping the future of Diamond Open Access!



Evaluation and selection criteria

Poster proposals will be evaluated by the DIAMAS Programme and Selection Committee, primarily on their potential to stimulate interesting discussions, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and promote collaborations. Additional criteria are:

  • Relevance to the themes of the call for posters; 
  • Impact on the Diamond Open Access communities;
  • Level of innovation;
  • Originality;
  • Openness of the solution/method/product;
  • Quality of the poster proposal’s abstract.

Special consideration will be given to ensuring that a variety of topics and geographical ranges are fairly represented.



Timeline & Key Dates

  • Announcement of the call for posters: March 5th, 2025
  • Submission deadline for the poster proposal’s abstract: March 23rd, 2025
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection: from March 24th, 2025 to April 4th, 2025
  • Final poster submission: May 5th, 2025
  • Conference date: June 3rd, 2025