Public Launch: European Diamond Capacity Hub

On 15/01/25 the launch of the European Diamond Capacity Hub (EDCH) will take place  from 10:30 AM in Madrid, Spain, at the headquarters of FECYT at MUNCYT (Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología). You can attend the event for free by registering here.

The European Diamond Capacity Hub (EDCH) aims to strengthen the Diamond OA community in Europe by supporting European institutional, national and disciplinary capacity centres and Diamond publishers and service providers in their mission of Diamond OA scholarly publishing. At the event, the key features of the European Diamond Capacity Hub will be presented, along with a range of opportunities for active participation and collaboration.

The launch event coincides with the kick-off of the EU-funded ALMASI project, which aims to develop a nonprofit, high-quality, and sustainable scholarly communication ecosystem spanning three regions: Africa, Europe, and Latin America.

For more information, visit the OPERAS website. The public launch follows the soft launch which saw key stakeholders gather for a close look at the EDCH with a round of discussion and feedback.