Webinar with CRAFT-OA: Shaping Diamond Open Access

DIAMAS and CRAFT-OA invite you to join a webinar on 16.05.24 on Shaping Diamond OA: Criteria for Jorunals. Sign up for free here

What criteria make a journal a Diamond Open Access (OA) journal? This 90-minute webinar, jointly hosted by CRAFT-OA, will shed light on the requirements that define Diamond OA journals by engaging with their community.

An operational definition of Diamond OA drafted by both projects is at the forefront of the discussion. A clear concept and definition of Diamond OA is crucial to facilitate the discovery and accessibility of Diamond OA journals. The webinar will contextualise the need for operational Diamond OA criteria within the development of the Diamond Discovery Hub, a comprehensive registry of institutionally published and scholar-led Open Access Journals in Europe aiming to enhance the visibility, recognisability and discoverability of Diamond OA journals, and the European Diamond Capacity Hub, being developed to align, coordinate, and improve the sustainability of Diamond OA.

The webinar serves as a platform for stakeholders to participate in shaping these criteria for Diamond OA classification. Through a community consultation participants can contribute to refining the criteria and ensuring their relevance and applicability across diverse scholarly disciplines and geographical regions.

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqd-2qpz8rGt12x_Expgx45qOMI3WvhCUM#/registration